Panasonic Suffers Data Breach After attackers access internal network

Tech manufacturing giant Panasonic has confirmed that its network was accessed illegally this month during a cyberattack.

Panasonic has disclosed a security breach wherein an unauthorized third party broke into its network and potentially accessed data from one of its file servers.

The Japanese consumer electronics giant acknowledged the breach in a brief statement on Friday (November 26).

“After detecting the unauthorized access, the company immediately reported the incident to the relevant authorities and implemented security countermeasures, including steps to prevent external access to the network,” Panasonic said in a statement. 

The Osaka-based company said that immediately upon discovering the intrusion on November 11, it took steps to report the incident to the relevant authorities and that it implemented security countermeasures, including preventing external access to the network.

NHK reported that the attacked servers stored information about Panasonic business partners and the company’s technology, noting a ransomware incident last November involving a subsidiary of the company that also leaked business information. 

According to some local media reports, the breach was undetected for four months, starting from June 22 to November 3.

from Virtualattacks
