#E learning exam hacking, #hacking This Vulnerability in E-Learning Platform Moodle Could Even Modify Exam Results Critical Security Exploit in the popular e learning platform Moodle can be compromised that lets access to student data and test papers, the vulnerabi August 02, 2021 Share
#1738 Cyber Attacks, #hacking An Indian Firm Facing 1,738 Cyber Attacks A Week On Average, Claims Report On Thursday, a report has been published that claimed that Indian organizations witnessed cyberattacks 1,738 times more compared to 757 attacks per o August 02, 2021 Share
#Hacker attack protection, #Hacker Tool Seven-Fold Surge in Dark Web Ads Providing Corporate Network Access In the latest study, researchers at Positive Technologies have documented the evolution of hacker-placed ads on the Dark Web from 2020 to early 2021. July 31, 2021 Share
#Hacker write code, #hacking Bot that helps hackers write code The Copilot service developed by Microsoft and GitHub specialists, designed to simplify the work of programmers, can be used by hackers to create mal July 31, 2021 Share
#Avoid being tracked by Photos, #Blocking being tracked IT expert: How To Avoid being Tracked by Photos The director of the company IT-Reserve Pavel Myasoedov spoke about how to protect yourself from surveillance using photographs. Standards that allow at July 26, 2021 Share
#Artificial Intelligence, #hacking How Artificial Intelligence is Changing Healthcare Over the past couple of years, modern technology has been actively implemented in medicine. AI helps to assess the degree of lung damage, identify mal July 20, 2021 Share
#Crackonosh Malware, #hacking Crackonosh Malware Exploits Windows Safe Mode to Mine Cryptocurrency Secretly Researchers have uncovered a variant of cryptocurrency-mining malware that exploits Windows Safe Mode during attacks. Researchers at Avast have termed June 27, 2021 Share